The Music Ministries at FUMC provide another way to worship, no matter what age you are. Many options are available, including varied instrumental and vocal ensembles. Our directors are focused on honoring God with the offering of music. We are blessed to have a congregation that loves and appreciates the gift of music.

Chancel Choir
The FUMC Choir is a non-auditioned group of singers who meet on Thursdays at 7pm (September through May). The choir includes members of all musical abilities, from music education professionals to individuals who are non-music readers. Please contact Vicky Bradley, Director of Music Ministries, for more information. Remember, no audition is necessary!
Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir practice is from 7:00 – 7:30pm on Wednesdays under the direction of Sherrie Price. Children’s Choir is a great place to learn and sing about God! We do a variety of activities, including dancing, singing and even playing some instruments. We welcome all children in grades 1-5. Come have fun worshiping with us!

Rosebud Choir
The Rosebud Choir provides our Sunday morning worshipping children the opportunity to learn and then share with the congregation. This group expresses themselves through music with singing or with motion and gestures of fingerplays.
The Handbell Choir is for adults and students in 6th grade and higher. This choir is directed by Vicky Bradley and practices on Sundays at 5:30pm in the Etta Belcher Room of the church office wing. They play during worship service once a month.

Children’s Choirchimes are for children in grades 1-5. They are directed by Vicky Bradley and practice on Wednesdays at 5:30p. It is truly amazing the beautiful music the children make with the choirchimes. They play during worship service once each month.