Feeding Hungry Children

When the school playground is empty because the children have gone home for the weekend, many do not have anything to eat until they return. We provide food that will help them get through those days without meals.

The congregation of First United Methodist Church provides food and hard work toward this necessary ministry. We are presently providing weekend food to over 200 children at four local schools. These children have been identified by school personnel as high-risk of food insecurity. 

Feeding Hungry Children Ministry Team members gathered June 3rd, 2023 to celebrate 10 years of ministry. We evaluated the teams work during the last school year and planned for the fall school year. This is a great ministry and the BEST TEAM EVER!

Since beginning this ministry several years ago, other churches have visited and observed our process and began ministries of their own to cover other area schools. We are so excited to see God moving in this way so that all children are reached. If you are interested in learning how your congregation can help, please contact the church office who will put you into contact with one of our ministry leaders.

We can always use help with food pickup, the preparation (counting and arranging on tables), packaging, and delivery to the schools. Most of the table prep is accomplished twice each month on selected weekday mornings and packing is done later that afternoon. Food delivery is made by teams once each week to the schools we serve. Contact Patty Flanagan or the church office if you would like to help. JOIN THE TEAM!